DME - Distance Measuring Equipment

DME - Distance Measuring Equipment

Posted by Manish Patil - Pilot Administrator at IndiGo (InterGlobe Aviation Ltd) on 26th Oct 2023

It's a radio navigation technology that provides pilots with the distance between their aircraft and a ground-based DME station.

DME operates by measuring the time it takes for a signal to travel from the aircraft to the ground station and back, using UHF or VHF frequencies. It's often used in conjunction with VOR (VHF Omni-Directional Range) for more accurate navigation.

Functions of Distance Measuring Equipment (DME):

1. Distance Measurement: DME provides accurate distance information between the aircraft and a ground-based DME station. Pilots can use this data to determine their exact position in relation to the station.

2. Navigation: DME is commonly used in conjunction with VOR (VHF Omni-Directional Range) stations to determine a precise fix or radial position. This aids in navigation, allowing pilots to follow specific airways and flight paths.

3. Holding Patterns: DME assists pilots in flying holding patterns with precision. It helps maintain a specified distance from a DME station, making it easier to stay in the holding pattern and enter or exit it as required.

4. Approach and Landing: DME is used during instrument approaches to determine the aircraft's distance from the runway or a designated point on the approach path. This information is vital for safe landings, especially in low-visibility conditions.

5. Separation: Air traffic control uses DME to maintain safe separation between aircraft. By knowing the exact distances between aircraft, controllers can ensure safe spacing during takeoff, en-route flights, and landings.
